Kress Independent School District
ESSER III Information
Data shows that the pandemic has had a significant impact on student learning, both across the country and in Kress ISD. The American Rescue Plan was signed into law in March and included $122 billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds for school districts across the country, which is the single largest investment in federal elementary and secondary education in the nation’s history. Kress ISD is applying to receive some of that additional funding.
General grant specifics are as follows:
ARP ESSER III Purpose: Grant funds should be used to respond to the pandemic and to address student learning loss as a result of COVID 19. Kress ISD will be taking feedback from all of our educational stakeholders (parents/community, students, parents, teachers/staff and school/district/board leadership) to create our ESSER III Plan.
Kress ISD Tentative Plan for ARP ESSER III Funding:
Over the next four summers and three full fiscal years, the District will use the ESSER III federal funds to address student learning recovery and the ongoing impact of the pandemic using 3 major strategies.
Accelerated Learning
- Summer School,
- Intensive tutoring,
- Reduction of class size,
- Retention bonuses,
- Professional development.
Social, Emotional, Learning:
- Social Emotional Learning Program,
- Counseling services for elementary campus,
- Student Wellness Supports,
- Professional Development.
Technology/Increased Connectivity
- Infrastructure Refresh,
- Additional devices,
- Additional hotspots.
Public Notification and Comments:
All parents, district employees, students and community members are urged to complete a survey to help the district determine what to prioritize with the potential ESSER funds. School districts are limited as to how we can use our ESSER funds to address issues that have risen due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Go to www.kressonline.net to complete the survey between June 14th and June 21st.
We appreciate your survey input, but please note that parents, board members, students and community members may additionally vocalize their wishes in person.
When: Thursday, July 20, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Where: Kress Board Room
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the ARP ESSER III funds?
The purpose of ESSER in general is to award subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) such as Kress ISD to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools.
How much funding is available to Texas LEAs?
A total of $12,418,588,778 is available to the state. Ninety percent, or $11,176,729,900, will be awarded to eligible LEAs. Note that only two-thirds of the total state allocation ($8,279,059,186) is available at this time.
How will LEAs know their grant amounts?
Grant allocations will be posted on the Grants Administration Entitlements web page at
https://tea.texas.gov/finance-and-grants/grants/grantsadministration/applying-for-a- grant/entitlements
What is the funding period for ARP ESSER III grants?
Funds may be used for allowable activities from March 13, 2020 (with approved pre- award) through Sept. 30, 2023.
What are the federal requirements around the LEA ESSER III Use of Funds Plan?
1.The LEA must engage in meaningful consultation with stakeholders and give the publican opportunity to provide input in the development of its plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds.
2.The LEA must provide its plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds in an understandable and uniform format.
3. The LEA’s plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds will be posted to the LEA’s website within 30 days of receiving its ESSER III Notice of Grant Award.
Are the ESSER III funds required to be used for specific purposes?
Yes, LEAs must expend a minimum of 20 percent of their grant funds on:
Evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning, extended day comprehensive after school programs, or extended school year programs; and
Ensure interventions respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of coronavirus on student populations as defined in ESEA, Title I, Part A, students experiencing homelessness, and youth in foster care.
Are there recommended uses of ESSER III funds that will assist LEAs in addressing the impact of the COVID pandemic and disruptions leading to learning loss?
While keeping in mind the purpose and requirements under ESSER III related to accelerating student learning, TEA strongly encourages school systems to plan for how to use these one-time federal funds expeditiously over the entire covered period to facilitate a more comprehensive long-term approach to learning acceleration. This may include aligned strategies that are currently part of a district’s current plans and strategies. A qualitative review of draft local learning acceleration plans revealed the following trends and suggestions, including but not limited to:
- Professional Development: comprehensive Reading Academies, high-quality instructional materials, dyslexia training, professional development stipends, technology integration training;
- Extended Instructional Time: extended day, extended year, high-dosage tutoring, summer learning;
- Staffing: tutors, reduced class sizes, small group instruction, staff retention and recruitment incentive pay, after school enrichment programs, instructional coaching and leadership;
- Facilities: ventilation, cleaning, HVAC systems, specialized instructional spaces;
- Technology: devices, infrastructure upgrades, learning management systems, digital tools, educational application;
- Mental Health and Behavioral Supports: social workers, at-risk coordinators, additional counseling services, teacher training and programming, wrap-around and community partnerships.
What are some of the allowable uses of the ARP ESSER III funds?
ESSER funds are designated to be used in any or all of 15 buckets, which include addressing learning loss, providing professional development, improving indoor air quality, providing social and emotional supports, updating and providing technology, and others. (FAQ from TEA)
Will the state provide replacement funds for ESSER after 2023?
Since the large influx of ESSER funding into LEAs can result in funding deficits when it ends, the LEA must plan for how to effectively and efficiently use the ESSER funds. It is recommended to use the ESSER grant funds for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the identified needs caused by the pandemic. Although long-term uses of the ESSER funds are also allowable, these types of uses may cause the LEA to not have funding to continue these activities after the ESSER period of availability ends, thus creating fiscal deficits.
Important Meetings and Plans
Public Meeting Draft July 20, 2021. Use of Funds Plan (Draft)
ARP ESSER Final LEA Use of Funds Plan
ARP ESSER Updated Use of Funds Plan Feb. 21, 2022
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Updated Feb. 21, 2022; Updated August 12, 2022; Updated January 4, 2023.
Click link below for Spanish Translation of the Safe Return to In-Person Plan
Este plan se puede traducir al español a pedido
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